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Showing posts from March, 2018

The Noble Call: Action and Identity

There are two wolves fighting inside everyone. Which wolf wins? The one that you feed. This is an old, old legend, that I've been told is of Native American origin. There's another one, of Greek origin, that says that each person is said to be in a chariot, a chariot drawn by two horses, light and dark. The light horse lifts a person up to what is good, noble, pure, and true; it represents his good desires. The other, dark horse acts to prevent this ascent and pull a man back down to the earth; it represents his evil desires. At every moment of our lives, to some degree we are either strengthening our good character or submitting to our inner darkness. At this point, however, I must insist that I am not by any means a victim of my evil half. It is in fact a significant part of myself. Whenever I use the words "me" or "I", it is inherent. Indeed, it is myself. It what is sometimes spoken of in the Bible as,  the "Old Man", contrasted with the ...